Snake Repellents Newsletter - January 2022
In a recent parliamentary debate, Patricia de Lille explained that Laboria Park in Belhar, Cape Town is infested with snakes and moles and that they have contractors spraying snake repellent and poisoning mole rats with fumigation tablets.
The issue of snake repellents comes up regularly and we currently know of a ‘snake remover’ in Gauteng who seems to prey largely on old and nervous folks, charging thousands of rands to spray their premises with snake repellent to rid the area of snakes.
Such so-called snake repellents include Jeyes Fluid, old oil, moth balls, diesel, petrol, burning tyres and some plants like Geraniums and wild garlic as well as the commercially available Snake Repel product.
Elsewhere in Africa they use Chinese solar-powered vibrating spikes that are stuck into the ground and set to vibrate every few minutes. Snakes are well known for picking up vibrations.
The commercially available Snake Repel product.
ASI Hunters Snake Gaiters (LITE)
ASI Hunters Snake Gaiters – proudly made in South Africa,these flexible snake gaiters that weigh 240 grams each. The Hunters Snake Gaiters have been tested against bites from the Puff Adder, Cape Cobra, Snouted Cobra and Black Mamba with no penetration during testing.
Price R1850.00 per pair
Order here |
Needless to say, none of the above snake repellents work and some have actually been found to attract snakes. Research done in the USA showed that when snakes hatch (or are born), they closely associate with odours in their immediate environment and may well link those smells with a safe environment, to the degree that such substances could attract them. Seeing a snake on your veranda and then spraying one of the above ‘repellents’ does not mean it is effective just because you do not see another snake – there are thousands of houses without so-called repellents that never have snakes.
As for the repellents, Wits University tested a variety of substances including Jeyes Fluid, Snake Repel, Moth Balls and some plants, and again, none of the snakes were repelled in any way. The results of these extensive tests as well as additional tests that were done in the wild will be published soon and will make for some meaningful reading.
A Puff Adder moving close to a house. Many snakes are attracted by the abundance of food found around houses such as geckos, lizards, rodents and frogs.
ASI Extendable Double Hook – 1.2m
The ASI Extendable Double Hook is made from 6 mm stainless Steel on an adjustable aluminium shaft (1,2m max) and tested to lift up to 4 kg. Ideal for heavy-bodied snakes. Another top quality ASI product.
Length when collapsed 73 cm
Length when extended 123 cm
Price R595.00 each
Order here |
Although snakes easily sense vibrations, (especially when someone approaches a snake), they quickly get used to consistent or familiar vibrations and do not necessarily avoid drilling and construction sites. Some snakes live right next to busy highways where heavy vehicles cause excessive vibrations. The vibrating devices that originate from China do not keep snakes away and are a waste of money.
The Solution?
So how do you keep snakes out of your garden? It’s quite simple: Keep your garden clean, remove building rubble, piles of rocks, and other suitable places where snakes can hide. Sheets of asbestos or corrugated iron are especially favoured hiding places. Also bear in mind that snakes are attracted to food sources such as rodents and frogs, and a water feature will attract frogs and they, in turn, may well attract snakes.
Another urban legend is that one should put a bowl of water at the edge of your property as snakes smell water and will then drink from the bowl and not enter your property. Wild snakes often live without water for weeks and even months and many snakes will get their hydration requirements from their prey. A bowl of water somewhere on your property will certainly not discourage snakes from entering it.
ASI Snakebite Bandage
A demarcated stretch bandage, with continuous indicators on them.
When applying the bandage it must be stretched until the rectangles form squares – thereby applying the correct pressure for neurotoxic envenomation.
Only for use in cases of confirmed Black Mamba or Cape Cobra bites.
Price includes a FREE First Aid for Snakebite Booklet.
Price R50.00 each
Order here |
Herald Snakes are often found near water features where they search for frogs and toads to feed on.
There is one more solution in high-risk areas: Putting shade cloth onto your perimeter fence – about 1 m high and dug into the ground (at least 30 cm deep) and ensuring that entrance gate areas are also well sealed. Such a barrier will prevent well over 90% of snakes from entering one’s property. We have erected such barriers at mines and around farmhouses with excellent results.
Placing shade cloth around the outside of a fence can greatly reduce the amount of snakes entering the property.
Getting back to the recent parliamentary debate, it is either a case of us having an ignorant or ill-informed minister or another opportunity for a lucrative tender. Snake repellents do not work.
Should you spot a snake in your garden (or even in your house) do not attempt to catch or kill the snake. Rather watch it from a safe distance (5 m or more) and call a snake remover. We have over 800 snake removers throughout the country that are listed on our free app ASI Snakes. Get the app here.
If you're not able to to make it to one of our in-person courses, why not brush up on your snake knowledge with one of our informative online courses? View them here.